Wine in France

Organic vine growing or The vineyards in France

Organic vine growing

Here are the last figures of the distribution of the vine growing in France for 1999 (source : National Observatory of Organic Agriculture).
The figures are given with administrative region and not by naming. Figures show clearly a very strong increase with regard to 1998 with about 50% of the surfaces which are in conversion.

Régions Number of wine growers Surfaces Evolution 98/99
Alsace 31 267 + 128%
Aquitaine 148 1607 + 2%
Auvergne 7 12 + 5%
Bourgogne 37 298 + 30%
Centre 42 389 + 21%
Champagne-Ardennes 13 53 + 24%
Corse 5 107 + 22%
Franche-Comté 14 98 + 230%
Languedoc-Roussillon 190 2759 + 30%
Midi-Pyrénées 68 186 + 90%
Pays de Loire 52 616 + 55%
Poitou-Charentes 67 549 + 81%
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 179 2614 + 51%
Rhône-Alpes 88 647 + 40%
TOTAL 948 10213 + 35%

Notices : some regions are not represented because the vine growing in these regions is weekly represented or non-existent. On 10213 hectares, 4817 are in conversion in organic agriculture.

The vineyards in France


(Click on the country's name)

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